Green Club
Green club
The mission of the green club is to promote cross cultural understanding of the unique eco-system and culture among the students and educate the public about the importance of concentration and bio-diversity in order to accomplish the ideal goal of the sustainable eco-system and human society.
- Advancing a healthy way of living our daily life.
- Providing guidance to appreciate the natural history.
- Presenting opportunities to learn how to decrease human disturbance and impact.
- Encouraging active participation in community environmental perfection.
- To guide natural walks and eco-focus.
- To discuss conversation issues on radio and television program.
- To provide educational references including posters, books, videos and slides of birds, plants and conservation issues as well as way to keep environment healthy.
- To corporate with inter-cultural and local environment.
- The Green Club works will generate results which grant people the freedom to identify and solve environmental conservation problems and green living experience.
- Wildlife and the environment benefit from The Green Club litter cleanups, native tree plantings,nonnative plant removal, and recycling programs.