Mission & Vision

            To prepare Physical Education leaders of high academic caliber with a holistic development of body, mind and spirit nurtured with a strong commitment to serve humanity reflecting Sant Baba Singh's ideas.

  1. Striving for excellence in physical education profession and allied sciences through dynamic programmes and activities and empower youth with increased responsibility of serving the community.
  2. To pursue global standard of excellence in teaching learning, research and consultancy by self evaluation and continuous improvement.
  3. Provide knowledge based services to the sports industry and to satisfy the needs of the society.
  4. To fulfill the mission of Sant Attar Singh Ji by providing quality education to pupil teachers.
  5. To provide maximum opportunities to pupil teachers to attain academic excellence.
  6. To develop pupil teachers as global citizens with conscience, commitment and dedication.
To provide education free from social and religious barriers, suitable to the needs of society.